4 Affordable Ways To Market Your Small Business

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As a small business owner, it can be challenging to market your business when you don't have an unlimited budget. But don't believe that spending huge amounts of money on print, television, radio, or Internet advertising is your only option. Use the following tips to spread the word about your company without spending a fortune:

Get Involved in the Community

Getting involved in the community is a great way to build goodwill with your customers while also advertising your business. For a relatively small amount of money, your company can sponsor a youth sports team or make a donation to a school or charity event. When you do these things, your business will typically be listed as a sponsor or donor, and your company's logo may be displayed.

Invest in Promotional Products

Promotional products branded with your company's logo are usually quite affordable, so your money can go a long way. Consider purchasing water bottles that have a custom sticker on them advertising your business and hand the water bottles out at community events or donate them to a charity race. Custom stickers are typically very affordable-- have several rolls printed and distribute them freely to both current customers and potential customers.

Hold a Contest

 Everyone loves the thought of winning a prize, so take advantage of that fact and hold a contest to garner interest in your company. Purchase a nice prize, such as a gift card or a big screen T.V., and advertise your contest online and in your store. You can ask people to sign up for the contest in person, or you can do everything through your company's social media pages. Whether a person wins or not, they will remember your company and hopefully become a loyal customer. 

Make Improvements to Your Business Website

If your company's website is old and outdated, revamping it can be a great way to spend your marketing dollars. In this day and age, it is increasingly common for consumers to shop for products and services online, and your website can make a big impression on what shoppers think of your business. Make sure that your website is well-designed and easy to navigate. All text on the site should be written well without any spelling or grammar mistakes. If there are funds left after you pay the web designer, you may want to consider hiring an SEO firm to help improve your site's search engine rankings.

For more information or assistance, contact companies like Northwest Label.
