Tips For AC Care After Summer

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When the weather starts to cool down, you may be tempted to just forget about your air conditioner. However, doing some maintenance now is a great idea so that your machine will be ready the next time you need to fire it up. The toll of a long summer can be heavy, so here are some maintenance tips for after-summer care.

Have the System Inspected

The first thing that you might want to do is get your yearly AC unit inspection. This is the best time to troubleshoot problems since they will be most prevalent. After not being used for a while, your AC might go back to operating correctly for a little while and then leave you with an issue as summer gets to its peak. It's always a good idea to keep track of your AC unit's biggest issues throughout the summer and then approach an air conditioning repair contractor to troubleshoot them all at once.

Shut Off Your External AC System

If you have an external condensing unit that's set up outside, then you may want to shut down the system when you're sure you won't be using it for a while. The reason is that an accidental use in the middle of winter could cause condensation that then freezes inside the machine and causes damage. Look at your manual to determine where the shutoff switch is, and how to access it without shock risk.

Get the AC Unit Cleaned

Once the power is off, it's safe to start cleaning the external unit. Remove any debris that has collected in or around the unit. You might also wipe down the condenser coils with soap and water to remove any gunk that could freeze on the coils. Before you operate the AC unit again next summer, you'll want to check again for debris on the coils.

Cover the External Unit

The final step of putting away your external AC unit is to cover the unit with a tarp to prevent damage from snow and ice. While any tarp will do, some AC units come with their own covers.

Check for Issues Periodically

As long as you have a cover on your AC unit, there shouldn't be too many problems. However, you might want to check on the unit every few weeks -- especially if you live in an area with a lot of heavy snowfall -- to make sure there are no issues with your winter weatherization.

For more information, see companies like Glendale Heating & Air Conditioning
