3 Reasons to Get a Title 24 Report Done for Your Renovation Project

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If you are getting ready to take on a renovation project for your property, one step that you should not skip is getting a Title 24 report done. A few reasons why this is such an important thing to do when doing major renovations to a building in California are listed below. If you talk to someone who does Title 24 reports, you can also find out more about why these reports are done, why they are so useful and what will be involved in having one done on your building.…

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Infection Protection And Moisturizing Relief For Your Dog's Ears

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If your dog struggled with a flea infestation over the summer, their ears may have been among the affected body parts. Dogs tend to scratch incessantly when bothered by pesky parasites. Even if fleas didn’t go inside of the ear canal, their presence near the opening of each ear could have resulted in discomfort. Have you noticed that your dog’s ears contain raw-looking skin that is irritated? Ear wipes and drops are two products that will prevent infections and promote healing.…

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